Dazzling Elements of Ancient Islamic Architecture We Still See Today

Islamic Architecture Islamic Mosque Art

facade of Sheikh Lotfollah Mosque, a masterpiece of the Iranian
architecture, built between 1602 – 1619 during the Safavid dynasty
(Photo: Athikhom Saengchai via Shutterstock)

Islamic architecture is one of the world’s most celebrated building
traditions. Known for its radiant colors, rich patterns, and symmetrical
silhouettes, this distinctive approach has been popular in the Muslim
world since the 7th century.

While Islamic architecture comprises several styles across different
countries and continents, there are certain characteristics that remain
universally prevalent throughout. Recognizing these underlying
elements—as well as understanding its geographical prevalence—is key to
grasping the visually sensational and historically significant style.

What is Islamic architecture?

This architectural tradition is predominantly found in two types of places: Muslim-majority countries and lands conquered by Muslims
during the Middle Ages. In addition to Arab states—like Algeria, Egypt,
and Iraq—Islamic architecture is also prevalent in European regions
with Moorish roots, including parts of Spain, Portugal, Italy, and Malta.

Though often associated with the Islamic mosque—Muslims’ place of worship—this approach to architecture is also apparent in other edifices, from palaces and public buildings to tombs and forts. Whether religious or secular, however, the splendid style is defined by several common characteristics.

Islamic Architecture Islamic Mosque Art

Photo: Lkadi Adil via Wikimedia Commons CC BY-SA 4.0

Distinctive Elements


A minaret is a spire or tower-like structure
featuring small windows and an enclosed staircase. It is one of the
oldest elements of Islamic architecture, and is found next to most
mosques. The primary function of the minaret is to allow the muezzin to
call worshippers to prayer from an elevated point. This occurs five
times a day: at dawn, noon, mid-afternoon, sunset, and night.

Islamic Architecture Islamic Mosque Art

Mosque at sunset. (Photo: photo desig via Shutterstock)

Since the 11th century, some mosques have been outfitted with more
than one minaret, traditionally indicating that it had been founded by a

Islamic Architecture Islamic Mosque Art

Court of the Blue Mosque in Istanbul, Turkey. (Photo: Pavel Dobrovsky via Shutterstock)


Like many pioneering architectural movements—including Byzantine and Italian Renaissance building traditions—Islamic architects also incorporate domes into their designs.

The Dome of the Rock, a 7th-century shrine in
Jerusalem, is the first Islamic building to feature this architectural
element. Inspired by Byzantine plans, the octagonal edifice is topped
with a wooden dome, which was plated in gold during the 16th century.
Unlike most Islamic domes—which rest on pendentives—the dome sits on a drum supported by 16 piers and columns.

Islamic Architecture Islamic Mosque Art

Dome of the rock in the Temple Mount, Jerusalem, Israel. (Photo: Bibiana Castagna via Shutterstock)

Pendentives are tapered structures that allow a circular base for a
round or elliptical dome to be placed on a square or rectangular room.
In Islamic architecture, pendentives are often decorated with tiles or muqarnas, a type of sculptural decoration.

Muqarnas Vaulting

Due to their sculptural composition
and patterned aesthetic, Muqarnas are often compared to stalactites or
honeycomb. In addition to domes and pendentives, this unique
ornamentation also adorns vaults, culminating in monochromatic, sculptural ceilings that contrast the surrounding tiles.
Islamic Architecture Islamic Mosque Art

Photo: Mostafameraji via Wikimedia Commons CC BY-SA 4.0


Another fixture of Islamic architecture is the arch.
Evident in both entrances and interiors, Islamic arches are categorized
into four main styles: pointed, ogee, horseshoe, and multifoil.

The pointed arch features a rounded design with a tapered apex. This type of arch would eventually become an important element of Gothic architecture.

Islamic Architecture Islamic Mosque Art

Photo: LeCaire via Wikimedia Commons Public Domain

The ogee arch is similar to the pointed arch. However, its point is composed of two s-shaped lines, culminating in a more sinuous silhouette.

Islamic Architecture Islamic Mosque Art

Photo: BazaNews via Wikimedia Commons CC BY-SA 3.0

The horseshoe arch (also known as a keyhole arch)
is associated with Moorish architecture. As its crown can be either
rounded or pointed, this type of structure is defined by the dramatic
widening and narrowing of its sides.

Islamic Architecture Islamic Mosque Art

Photo: Citizen59 via Wikimedia Commons GNU Free Documentation License

Like the horseshoe arch, the multifoil arch is characteristic of Moorish architecture. This arch features multiple foils, or “leaves,” resulting in a scalloped shape.

Islamic Architecture Islamic Mosque Art

Photo: Escarlati via Wikimedia Commons Public Domain

Decorative Details

A final element of Islamic architecture is an attention to ornamental detail.
Often reserved for interiors, this lavish approach to decoration
includes jewel-like tiles arranged into geometric mosaics, patterned
brickwork and kaleidoscopic stones, and exquisite calligraphic

Islamic Architecture Islamic Mosque Art

Interior of the Blue Mosque (Photo: dade72 via Shutterstock)

Along with monumental domes, mesmerizing muqarnas vaulting,
and distinctive arches, these eye-catching embellishments exhibit the
transcendent nature of the Islamic building practice.

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